Working near our pipelines
Before starting any work on a pipeline right-of-way, there are two key things to remember to ensure your work is completed safely.
1. Approval from the pipeline operator is required before working on the right-of way
2. A pipeline representative must be present before beginning work on the right-of-way
If your project goes ahead without proper approval from the pipeline operator, you are at risk of damaging the pipeline, creating an unsafe situation, and possible fines and penalties.
Why take the risk?
To help you in your planning, either before you contact the pipeline operator or while collaborating with a pipeline representative, we have some useful Minimum Construction Guidelines that outline basic requirements to consider in your plans.
Consult TC Energy early in your planning
TC Energy must review and approve all plans for proposed construction impacting a TC Energy right-of-way.
To expedite construction or excavation, submit your plans to TC Energy for review in the design phase of the project before applying for permits or committing to construction.
TC Energy requires a minimum of 60 days to review design plans.
Contact our crossings team at or call 1-800-562-8931.
Notify TC Energy before construction begins
No construction or excavation activities of any kind shall be performed on or near TC Energy’s rights-of-way until TC Energy personnel have reviewed the location of all affected facilities and the limits of the right-of-way and provided an approved Agreement. This includes crossing with heavy equipment or blasting within 325 feet of the pipeline.
Start by calling 811 before you dig or using your state’s One Call notification service. Request that both the location and approximate depth of the pipeline be determined.
What if I already have a landowner agreement?
If the work is not included in the existing agreement, you would need a new request or agreement in place before starting work.
What if I already know where the pipeline is?
Even if the line is marked, a representative must be present to accurately read the depth and to ensure TC Energy processes are followed.
I’ve done similar work in the area, why do I need a new approval?
Pipeline depth and route can vary, or the depth of cover may have changed due to erosion or other factors. Each project needs a new approval.
Life-saving information
Consequences of unsafe digging
Did you know that in most provinces and states, it is a legal requirement to contact your local One-Call service before digging or excavation? These cosequences may include:
Fines and repair costs to fix the underground utility
• Provincial, state or federal regulators can levy hefty fines to both the person excavating and the company responsible, depending on the local regulations
• Repairs to utilities often cost more than the value of your original project, not including reclamation and clean-up costs
Interrupted services such as electricity, gas and water
• Underground utilities carry essential and critical services for the community. Interruptions to these are more than just minor inconveniences; they can put people, businesses and livelihoods at risk
• Some utilities are buried as little as 12 inches below the surface, so even a simple shovel can cause serious damage
Risk of serious injuries and death
• Since 2008, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has reported 715 injured workers and 79 fatalities due to damages done to underground infrastructures during excavation work*.
Frequently Asked Questions
I know where the pipeline is, do I still need to make a One-Call?
You can never be sure where underground utilities are unless they have been marked by a professional. Utilities can shift from erosion or natural forces or new ones may have been installed without your knowledge. Using the free One-Call service allows you to conduct your work safely.
How do I contact my local One-Call service?
Luckily there are resources to help you reach your local service easily. In Canada, you can visit to find your local One-Call service, as well as other useful safe-digging rules and regulations in your province. In the U.S. you can dial 811 or visit to get in touch with your state’s provider.
When do I need to make a One-Call?
You need to make a locate request anytime you are disturbing the ground. This includes digging, piling material, paving or even driving equipment over a right-of-way. Any action that could impact something below the surface counts as ground disturbance.
What is a crossing agreement?
A crossing agreement is an agreement between you and the pipeline operator that allows you to conduct your work safely with the permission and understanding of the pipeline operator. Any changes to your work need to also be approved to ensure your safety.
How do I know if I need a crossing agreement?
If you plan to do any work on a right-of-way or access the right-of-way while conducting your work, there’s a good chance you need a crossing agreement. To find out for sure, you can either make a One-Call and wait for the pipeline operator to contact you, or you can contact the pipeline operator directly through their crossings team. Contact information can be found on this page.
What is the “prescribed area”?
The prescribed area is the area that extends 30 metres on either side of the pipeline centerline. Ground disturbance within this area requires written consent.
Signs of a potential pipeline leak
What you may smell
Natural gas
- Transmission lines that transport natural gas across Canada are rarely odourized, but may have a slight hydrocarbon smell. Distribution lines that transport natural gas to homes and businesses are odourized and could smell skunk-like or similar to rotten eggs.
What you may see
Natural gas
- Dead or dying vegetation on or near a pipeline in a normally green area
- Water bubbling or blowing into the air at a pond, creek or river
- Dirt being blown or appearing to be thrown into the air
- An accumulation of ice or frost over the pipeline (in the summer)
What you may hear
Natural gas
- A hissing, roaring or bubbling sound
Emergency contacts
United States
In case of emergency, click here for contact numbers
Contact our US crossings team:
Landowner inquiries:
General inquiries:
Emergency contacts
Call before you Dig:
General Inquiries: